Obsessed With Tone… part 5


A few weeks ago, as you know from the previous “Obsessed With Tone” posts, Bert had started to build a small series of guitar effect pedals.
Today he finally put the final touches on all three of them.
All pedals are now fully functional (even though they still might require the one or the other
fine tweak), and painted and finished with decals and knobs etc.

In the picture above you can see all three of his first attempt of building boutique guitar effect pedals.
From left to right:
in the baby blue housing you’ll see the “BC109 Fuzz” pedal, a Dunlop Fuzz Face clone with BC109 transistors;
in the silvery housing in the middle you’ll see the “Ram’s Head Muff” pedal, a Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi clone from the Ram’s Head era;
and last but not least in the golden housing all the way to the right you can see the “Triangle Muff” pedal, a Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi clone from the so called Triangle era.
The entire band is very exited about the new additions to Bert’s carefully crafted pedal board and can’t wait for the next opportunity for him to show off his fantastic sound.
Come and check Bert’s “new sound” out when KayaMBeE will appear live the next time. We are sure that he will bring the new pedals along…


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