Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances (one of us has been experiencing hopefully only temporary health issues) we are saddened to inform that we were forced to cancel the upcoming KayaMBeE live appearance at Neponset Picnic Day on June 11th, 2022.
Even though we are very bummed out, especially since we’ve been rehearsing like crazy to get our brand new show polished and refined, we are very relieved to announce at the same time, that the fourth youngest member of the band has been recovering seemingly quite nicely. Now were hoping to be able to continue with our rehearsal efforts pretty soon to but the final touches on our show for the upcoming live event at Hog Days 2022 in Kewanee, IL which takes place over the Labor Day weekend.
Stay tuned for more KayaMBeE news, soon and thank you for all of your support. We couldn’t do this without all of you wonderful people…